Monday 15 October 2012

Vlogtober 2012: Part 1 of 2

Traditions. it is one of the things that make life interesting. For the most part, they're some of the events that I look forward to. Traditions like Christmas gatherings, gift-giving, birthdays, etc. make me excited especially during certain parts of the year. 

I like, somewhat, knowing that I can expect every year. And while the tradition itself stays, how we experience those traditions vary. 

To the point: last year I started a new tradition of my own called Vlogtober. It is a month-long challenge on YouTuber for vloggers (like me) to create a video blog every day for the month of October.


Now, there are many variations of this challenge already. There's VEDA (Vlog Every Day in April/August) and some others just tasked themselves with a Project365 where they vlog everyday. The year-long challenge may be too much for me, but after doing Vlogtober last year, I thought that it would be nice to do it again this year. 

My response to Nerimon's YouTube Survey 2011

I started off Vlogtober with my response to the Nerimon YouTube Survey 2012 which I was tagged by the lovely Sydney. Last Vlogtober, I made my response to the 2011 survey (no one tagged me last year). It's been fifteen days since the first video! I'm halfway there! 

Interestingly enough, I am surprised to find that next to November, October is the most eventful month of the year for me! Going through my videos from last year, I can really say that October is full of interesting things!

If you'd like to see my playlist from my Vlogtober 2011, click below to start! :)


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